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Dementia Roadmap

This is another tool that can be used to specify indicators or tangible “signposts“ to help clinicians identify what stage of dementia their patient/resident is in. Family members and other caregivers can also use these tangible signposts to provide context on someone's dementia trajectory. These signposts demonstrate irreversible changes. Some people don't realize that dementia is a terminal illness that can ultimately be the cause of death. It is important to have conversations about wishes with people in the early stages of dementia. Once they reach the later stages, substitute decision makers can be asked the same questions on the Serious Illness Conversation Guide, as long as they answer to the best of their ability on behalf of the patient with dementia. This tool may be helpful to educate family members about how dementia progresses so they can anticipate what is to come.

Click on the different stages of dementia to view more information.
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